If you can’t resist Cyber Monday, at least buy local

Today is Cyber Monday. A day major e-tailors are said to be offering “incredible one-day sales” to get people to do their holiday gift buying online. The Motley Fool calls Cyber Monday “a joke.” I agree, but not for the reasons they suggest. To me, unless you’re buying online from a local business, you’re wasting an opportunity to support your local community. Just as you do when you shop in-person at a non-local big box or chain store.

My holiday wish is that people think first about what gifts they can buy from businesses owned and operated by local merchants. If you prefer to shop online, then see if you can buy online from your favorite local businesses. If they’re not set up to sell merchandise on the Web, call them and see if they could mail you a gift certificate. Or find a quiet time to stop in and shop.

I realize people are drawn to Black Friday and Cyber Monday because they’re bargain shoppers. For some, bargains are the only way they can afford holiday gifts. Others simply love the hunt for an irresistible deal. But just remember that every time you buy something from a business that’s not locally owned, your local economy and community are the poorer for it. You may save money, but the money you spend ends up benefitting far-away businesses and their owners/shareholders. So think about extending your gift-giving this season to your entire community by making your purchases local (and green).

November 26th, 2007

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